Dr. Carla Loewen grew up on a diary farm, stating that animals and a “crazy life” have always been a part of her life, so entering the veterinary industry was always a strong option for her.
After graduating from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in 2002, Carla began working as a mixed animal practitioner at Virden Animal Hospital. Her path was redirected in 2003 by the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy outbreak in Canada. At that time, the hospital was 50-50 large animal and small animal spit. Recognizing that would need to change, she helped grow the small animal side of the practice.
She is now touted by her colleagues for her small animal care and surgery skills. Although she primarily works as a small animal veterinarian, she also does large animal care on call, or, as she says, “After hours I help pretty much whatever animal comes through the door”.
One of Carla’s interests is reproductive veterinary medicine. Having worked at Virden Animal Hospital her whole career, she has been able to follow many litters, a point of pride for her. She has built long-lasting relationships with her breeding clients which have given her opportunities to apply her great surgical skills to cases like c-sections.
Carla has a passion for animals and volunteerism. Dedicating much of her time to working across the province in remote communities addressing animal and human welfare issues. Other than her two children, Carla likes to think of her remote community work as the stamp she is leaving on the world.
A part of these trips that Carla finds fulfilling is interaction with the community. A particularly memorable trip for her was in 2008 to Cross Lake. An inquisitive boy ended up spending a lot of time with her, expressing a great interest in her work. Although she wasn’t able to follow up with him, she said “I always have this dream that he found a career in veterinary medicine, that somehow, that weekend directed his path to a career in veterinary medicine.”
Carla has worked with Funds for Furry friends since 2004, doing veterinary work and fostering for them. She has relationships with local charities as well as many Winnipeg-based organizations. She also manages the Brandon Humane Society mobile community trailer.
Carla describes herself as just a vet that loves her job, but her veterinary work and volunteerism shows that she is much more than that.