COVID-19 Updates
Our doors are now locked for our safety and yours!
Virden Animal Hospital is fully committed to the safety and health of our community, staff, clients and patients. We will get through this pandemic together as we continue to provide you with essential services.
Food, Medications and other supplies:
Please call us at 204-748-3950 for any supply orders, and to tell us you are at the hospital for pick-up.
If you are quarantined or at risk and self-isolating and require urgent medications for your animals, please call us and we will work with you to get the medications to you.
Hours and Appointments:
We are still taking appointments but you will be required to call 204-748-3950 or text 431-763-2222 when you arrive. Appointment protocol is as follows:
You are asked to stay in your vehicle and not enter the building, your animal/pet will be seen and communication will be by telephone/Face Time.
Under some circumstances (determined by the doctors), clients and pets may enter the clinic. Masks are mandatory and clients must use hand sanitizer on their way in and on their way out of the building.
Effective immediately we are now closed on Saturdays for retail sales and medication pick-up. However, please call if you have an urgent need for supplies over the weekend.
Our hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm continue Monday to Friday.
Remember that we are on call 24/7 for Emergencies.
Require Full disclosure:
We are working hard to ensure our hospital remains free of any exposure to COVID-19. We need to have full disclosure of client health, potential exposure to positive cases, quarantine status, travel history, contact with isolated people, etc. We can’t stress enough the importance of honesty and due diligence for everyone.
Information and Updates:
Please refer to our Facebook page for the most up to date information as conditions change quickly.
For more information on COVID-19, please click here
Virden Animal Hospital thanks you for your help at this time!